Sunday, November 22, 2009

What Your DNA Can Do For You

Current research in anti-aging medicine is intensifying in the field of genetics. In the early sixties, researchers found that human cells are mortal. This doesn't seem like a ground breaking discovery, but, it most likely can lead to a greater understanding of why cells wither over time, and how we can change that. DNA is the most fragile and important foundation of life. At each of its ends are sequences of non-coding DNA (junk DNA) called telomeres that protect genes from deterioration. In 1990, it was officially proven that as telomeric DNA shortens, aging continues on its inevitable path. Telomerase is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis and sustenance of telomeres. Once the protective DNA is diminished to a certain extent, aging (scientifically known as cellular senescence) begins. From that information alone we know how and why humans grow old. With the technology and resources available today it is possible to determine how to manipulate this enzyme in such a way that immortality isn't out of the question.
The progress already made by geneticists is either scary or amazing, depending on your perspective. hTERT is a type of reverse transcriptase (enzyme that serves as the catalyst for synthesizing DNA) linked to the activity of telomerase. Two studies found that the induced expression of this enzyme indeed lenghtened telomeres swiftly, translating to a longer mitotic cycle. This means that the cells were able to divide for a greater amount of time. These studies confirmed that telomeres are essentially the biological clock for humans.
In the modern world of biogerontology, I consider these advancements to be some of the most valuable to date. Before we can step back and look at the big picture of immortalization, we must thoroughly recognize what is occurring at the cellular level. If scientists were to eventually find the means for immortality, it is not likely be supported by the government or general public. However, solid research such as this deserves credit because it is meaningful. Other examples of anti-aging therapies and drugs which have been hastily released are solely based on profit to be received from naive consumers. Scientists involved in this biomedical field should be receiving funding and encouragement because this research is valid, and can only further our discoveries of the unknown.


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