Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Anti-Aging

Age has always been one of the few aspects of life that was impossible to control, until now. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a new biotechnological advancement that replaces the physiological levels of hormones that decline as a result of a specific disease state. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine,A4M, (an international medical society of 18,500 physicians and scientists from 87 different countries composed of physicians responsible for the daily medical care of millions worldwide) supports the use of hormone replacement therapy and feels that it “…constitutes a legitimate and important life-enhancing, life-extending medical application.”
The biggest issue with hormone replacement therapy is the safety or lack thereof. Research has found through the A4M’s group’s Women’s Health Initiative study of healthy menopausal women that bio-identical hormones is the key to safety in hormone replacement therapy. Bio-identical hormones have the same chemical structure as those hormones that are made in the human body. The term “bio-identical” means that the chemical structure of the replacement hormone is exactly the same as the chemical structure found in the hormone naturally found in the body. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is the “…method by which replaced hormones follow normal metabolic pathways so that the essential active metabolites are formed in response to the treatment.” In terms of the safety of hormone replacement therapy, the molecular differences between bio-identical and non-bioidentical may prove to be the defining aspect. Natural, rather than synthetic, forms of hormones are associated with greater bio-availability (meaning that they are taken up by the body more easily and are utilized more efficiently).
I feel that hormone replacement therapy, and better yet, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, is a great way to introduce anti-aging medicine. Experienced anti-aging physicians have been prescribing BHRT for over 20 years and numerous benefits have come from it. I believe that BRHT is still widely underdeveloped and still has many more benefits that will be discovered.
Another interesting fact about BHRT is how individualized it is. Hormone levels are different in every patient so with hormone therapy comes the appropriate monitoring of bio-available hormone levels and laboratory analysis for each patient. In doing this, the goal of anti-aging endocrinology will be achieved (“Safe optimization of essential hormone levels in the deficient and symptomatic patient”) and also, the most effective hormonal balance at the lowest possible dosage will be reached. I also think that this runs parallel to personalized medicine. Since every patient has different hormonal levels and needs to be monitored for different dosages, the medicines become personalized for the patient. This is also a new biotechnological advancement like hormone replacement therapy. I believe that by combining the two technologies together, it will make a stronger, more applicable field of medicine for a whole new field of patients.
I strongly believe in BHRT and its benefits. I also believe that with the proper modifications and adjustments done by an experienced physician, the benefits will largely outweigh the risks.


  1. In today's world anti-aging is like the way through which we can stop the aging process, and it comes in both in natural way or by treatment.So care should be taken before buying anti aging treatments.Stem cell therapy India

  2. I am an active hiker and exerciser. Fitness is a passion of mine and I want to continue to be able to do the things I enjoy. As I am getting older, I have noticed it is harder for me to do those things. I wonder if bioidentical hormone replacement therapy would help me to increase my lean muscle mass and recover quicker.
